If you have a beautiful 613 blonde lace front wig and you don’t know how to fit your wig, don’t worry, our detailed guide helps.

What is a 613 blond lace front wig
613 blonde lace front wig has three main components-bottom cover, natural blonde hair, front lace.
613 blonde lace wigs are to make you look more confident, beautiful and natural. The wig is also fitted with elastic bands for a comfortable fit.

Ways to install a 613 blonde lace front wig
1. Installation of wig cap
- Tie your hair in braids and try to keep them straight.
- Now put on your wig cap and cover your hair completely.
- Use some glue to fix the loose sock cap on your head.
- Use the hair dryer on the cold setting to dry the glue.
- Cut off the excess wig cap.
2. 613 blonde lace front wig installation
- Scrub the area around your forehead with alcohol
- Put on your 613 golden lace wig on the wig cap.
- Distribute your fake hair a few inches behind the wig cap and use glue spray as a protective layer.
- When finished, comb your wig into a back comb with a comb. Then apply glue evenly on your wig lace and your forehead.
- After the glue is slightly dried, carefully place the front of the wig on the glue and press it gently to reinforce it.
- Wipe off the excess residual glue with alcohol.
- Feel free to do some hairstyles you like.

Reminder in end
For more details, you can visit RecoolHair shop.There are many kinds of wigs with a complete range and excellent quality, and our prices are always reasonable and affordable, and we are committed to making everyone wear their favorite wigs.